Conference programme June 29-30, 2022, Bucharest Venue: Nicolae Iorga Institute of History Address: 1, Bd. Aviatorilor, Bucharest 29 iunie 2022 10.00-10.30: Opening Remarks 10.30-11.30: Keynote Speaker: Emilia Zankina, Instrumentalizing the past: narratives of the communist past in domestic politics and foreign policy 11.30-12.00: Coffee Break 12.00-13.30 Grzegorz Skrukwa, “Odessa is 200 years old” vs. “Odessa is 600 years old”. Conflicts on memory in the city of Odessa (1991-2021) Izabela Skórzyńska, Justyna Budzińska, Revenge of the fragments. On the paradoxes of the history of the Black Sea Region in the Polish textbooks Jakub Wojtkowiak, An unknown page in the history of the Black Sea. Poles in the Soviet Black Sea Fleet 13.30-15.00: Lunch 15.00-16.30 Cosmin