Dealing with the Past in the Black Sea Region: History, Memory, and Patrimony
June 29-30, 2022, Bucharest
Venue: Nicolae Iorga Institute of History
Address: 1, Bd. Aviatorilor, Bucharest
10.00-10.30: Opening Remarks
10.30-11.30: Keynote Speaker: Emilia Zankina, Instrumentalizing the past: narratives of the communist past in domestic politics and foreign policy
11.30-12.00: Coffee Break
Grzegorz Skrukwa, “Odessa is 200 years old” vs. “Odessa is 600 years old”. Conflicts on memory in the city of Odessa (1991-2021)
Izabela Skórzyńska, Justyna Budzińska, Revenge of the fragments. On the paradoxes of the history of the Black Sea Region in the Polish textbooks
Jakub Wojtkowiak, An unknown page in the history of the Black Sea. Poles in the Soviet Black Sea Fleet
Cosmin Năsui, The cement nude, the (h)ero(t)ism of the working class – the artistic program of outdoor sculptures on the Black Sea Coast, and the pronatalist, pro-family communist policies
Iuliana Dumitru, Narrative and visual perspectives on the practice of tourism in the socialist and capitalist period on May 2 and Vama Veche
Evelina Kelbecheva, Politics of Cultural Memory in Bulgaria (Study of Communist and Post-Communist Monuments)
16.30-17.00: Coffee break
Cornel Micu, Ideological instrumentalization of past land property in Romanian post-communist political discourse
Andrei Cosmin Popa, The 1989 historical discourse on the celebration of August 23rd Coup d’état
Georgiana Țăranu, Remembering N. Iorga in Postcommunist Romania: Three Avatars
18.30: Dinner
Maciej Bugajewski, Historical identity: an ambigous concept between memory, history, power and justice
Claudia-Florentina Dobre, Memory and Identity at Sighet Memorial: Suffering as Patrimony
Nurie Muratova, Kristina Popova, Interrupted biographies: Six distinguished female figures between repression and survival during the Communist Regime in Bulgaria
11.30-12.00: Coffee break
Milena Angelova, The Mythmaking of Children Heroes during the Communist Regime in Bulgaria – the Case of “The Heroes of Belitsa”
Anastasiya Pashova, Petar Vodenicharov, Policies of „Rehabilitation” of the Pomaks of Blagoevgrad Region after the Collapse of the Communist Regime
Mariyana Piskova, An „Untrustworthy” Archivist at the Chronicle and Documentary Studios (June 1949-May 1951)
14.00-15.00: Lunch
Mirel Banică, Après 30 ans: Traces du communisme dans l’espace public de Roumanie
Ana Pascu, Musées ethnographiques privés en Roumanie : l’implication du Musée national du paysan roumain dans la recherche et la promotion du patrimoine local
Maria Mateoniu-Micu, Dynamique historique du patrimoine en Roumanie : De la famille à la nation et de la nation à l’économie durable
17.00: Dinner